Thursday, May 10, 2007

Something I came up with while despising Nominalism

Can someone please tell me where a nominalist, (predicate, trope theory, whoever) might get out of this infinite regress?

  1. Nominalism leads to the eradication of certainty.
  2. Because certainty is no longer justifiable, science must rely on probability.
  3. Probability relies on an underlying belief based on natural laws.
  4. These underlying natural laws are based on observation.
  5. The justification that observation of probability in nature is based on a linear perspective of historic events.
  6. In this manner, without Truths or universals to hold as an end, the nominalist argument goes into an infinite regress.
  7. Consequently, according to the nominalist logic, science should be abolished as unjustifiable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am thinking you are missing something in points two, but mainly three. I think that the answer that you are looking for can be found over a generous helping of nachos, my house, august.